Data vizulization tools for windows, mac, linus

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Python Server: Run pip install netron and netron or netron.start(''). It lets you input files of CSV, TSV, TXT, and other formats for. You can create line, point, box, contour, vector field, surface, and more types of graphs with this software. Using it, you can generate various 2D and 3D graphs with simple commands. exe installer or run winget install netron Gnuplot is a command based open source data visualization tool for Windows, Mac, Linux, and BSD. Netron has experimental support for PyTorch, TensorFlow, TorchScript, OpenVINO, Torch, Vitis AI, Arm NN, BigDL, Chainer, CNTK, Deeplearning4j, MediaPipe, ML.NET and scikit-learn. Netron supports ONNX, TensorFlow Lite, Keras, Caffe, Darknet, ncnn, MNN, PaddlePaddle, Core ML, MXNet, RKNN, MindSpore Lite, TNN, Barracuda, Tengine, TensorFlow.js, Caffe2 and UFF.

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Netron is a viewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models.